HOST | Drop-In Resource Center and Transitional Living Program

Street Address: 1115 Liberty St NE, Salem, OR 97301 

Ph:  503.588.5825 | F: 503.364.1027

Business Hours: Monday through Friday | 8:00 am to 5:00 p.m. 

Transitional Living Program
TLP is a multi-phase program for enrolled young adults, ages 18 - 24 
Limit of 10 participants at one time.

Those enrolled in TLP stay in our 10-bed overnight shelter, and have access to our staff and resources 24 hours a day. Each individual works with our Case Managers to set and accomplish their health, housing, education, and employment goals. TLP participants may eventually move into our shared housing units to further build their independent living skills in a supported environment.

The 4 Phases of TLP are:

​Getting Connected & Developing a Plan: Participants are assigned a bed and locker in the overnight shelter and receive an orientation to TLP. They can access our campus, staff and resources 24 hours a day. Each participant will work with our team to develop a Skills Plan and a Service Plan.

Skill Development, Personal Growth & Taking Responsibility: We’ll grow each person's skills as they seek employment, education, and volunteer opportunities. They will set and manage their own daily schedule and lead by positive example.

Extended Support Program: If participants are accepted into our shared housing, they will gain the experience and skills needed to be a responsible housing tenant.

Moving Forward: Participants will transition out of the TLP and live independently on their own. The HOST Team will provide 6 to 12 months of ongoing support and Case Management as needed.

The ultimate goal of TLP is to help young adults to gain the knowledge, skills, self-respect, and healthy supports necessary to transition to stable, long term housing.​
Things like a warm, safe place to sleep, access to healthcare and resources, and mentorship play a big role in ensuring our future leaders can live healthy lifestyles and leave a positive impact on our community. ​

Please join us in our efforts to help those who need it the most. We rely heavily on donations to provide critical life-saving needs and services. 

Click HERE for more information on volunteer opportunities at NWHS or HERE to learn about how your donations will impact our programs and clients
Drop-In Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 
Open access for all youth & young adults ages 18 - 24

Our Resource & Engagement Center provides basic needs and support services for youth and young adults. We offer a safe space for young people who need help setting goals, planning for their future, and connecting to community resources.

  • Each person receives an orientation to HOST to learn about our guidelines and the basic services we offer. 
  • We offer computer access to connect with local resources and search for work, education, and housing options.
  • We’ll make referrals to some of our other programs for Health services.
  • We’ll provide access to our Therapeutic Enrichment Program (music, art, crafts, writing, etc.) during scheduled times.
  • Our team will help develop a Growth Plan for each person to set some goals and help them plan for the future.
  • We’ll explore participation in Case Management.
  • We’ll assess eligibility for the HOST TLP.

Additional services provided at the Resource and Engagement Center include hot meals, laundry, showers, clothing, and phone and computer access. 
 Drop-In Resource Center
Administration Offices: 681 Center St NE, Salem, OR 97301  |  Ph. 503.588.5828  F. 503.588.5852  |  Email:
Proudly Working in Partnership With: 
Ready to take the next step toward personal growth & success?
Fill out an application and call 503.588.5825 to schedule an appointment with our Youth Engagement Specialist to get started!
How You Can Help
NWHS is a Fair Housing Opportunity provider. NWHS shall not discriminate against any individual based upon ethnic group identification, race, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran’s status, color, disability, housing status, educational level, economic status, social class, or linguistic preference. 
Learn more about the need for homeless services in Marion & Polk Counties:

Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance
Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance
Location & Contact